Where there is need
Hope for the Hungry "Shares the Bread of Life with a starving world,"
according to scripture mandate we offer food for the body and salvation for the soul
in a spirit of cooperation and servanthood around the world.
Our Vision
We envision a world where churches, community service organizations and businesses
work together to meet the spiritual, physical and relational needs of those within our communities.
Our Mission
Sharing the love of Christ globally, while connecting people and meeting needs.
Our CORE Focus:
Compassion: Work to meet the spiritual, physical and relational needs of children and adults.
Outreach: Connect people with opportunities to serve locally and globally.
Relationship: Work in partnership with the body of Christ to further His Kingdom.
Education: Provide quality education, discipleship and life mentorship.

There is HOPE...
Belton Hope House
We teach, encourage, and empower families in our community to come to and grow in a relationship with Jesus.
Haiti Children's Homes
We partner with two children's homes to help break the cycle of poverty as we meet physical and educational needs.
We educate, equip and empower
Bell County Communities to avoid exploitation through Awareness, Restoration and the Keys2Freedom.
Missions Network
We offer pastoral care and administrative services to missionaries and ministries around the world.

Community Network
Churches, community service organizations and businesses
working together to meet spiritual, physical and relational needs.
627 Hope for the Hungry St.
Belton, TX 76513
PO Box 786
Belton, TX 76513
Tel: 254-939-0124